Very often it’s the kids who come up with the wackiest, most fun pet names. Case in point, Holly Picklebone Bonk: “My 4 year old daughter begged me for a dog for 2 years,” says pet mom Xena Hajbeh. “When I asked her what would she name her dog, she said ‘Picklebone.’”
Now, Picklebone already had a name—Holly—that fit her pretty well, so Xena proposed combining the two into one. The result is a wonderfully wacky name that can’t be denied. A friendly and playful pooch, Holly Picklebone is happy to go up to a dog ten-times her size to say hello. “She is not afraid of anything, and she rarely barks,” Xena adds.
Xena wanted the best protection for her pet at a price that fit her budget. Luckily, her employer offered Nationwide pet insurance. “I enjoy saving money and I get good coverage.”