VPI’s Holiday Safety Tips – For Humans
The holidays can be filled with hazards, but we know you’ve got your pet covered. We’re more concerned about you.
Are you prepared to handle the awkward conversations that could turn a Thanksgiving meal into a Thanksgiving melee? Here are some tips for steering clear of risky table talk this holiday season:
Awkward situation #1: Someone starts talking politics.
How you should respond: “Did you know that more pets are named after Abraham Lincoln than any other president?”
Source: VPI pet names database. (Reagan is No. 2)
Awkward situation #2: Someone brings up health care legislation.
How you should respond: “Did you know that there are more than 100 million uninsured pets in the United States? Fortunately, mine isn’t one of them.”
Source: 2013-2014 APPA Pet Owners Survey, 2008-12 North American Pet Health Insurance Industry Report
Awkward situation #3: Someone questions the quality of the food.
How you should respond: “Did you know that dogs eat just about anything? In 2013 alone, VPI has received thousands of claims for ingested objects, including a remote control, eight jumbo crayons, underpants, a bar of soap, a hairbrush, a starter log, a pound of raisins and a pig skull.”
Source: VPI claims database
Awkward situation #4: The one “black sheep” relative asks for money.
How you should respond: “One of the best ways to save money around the holidays is to keep your pets away from chocolate. Every year, VPI sees a 30% increase in chocolate toxicity claims between November and December.”
Source: VPI claims database
And when there’s simply no way to avoid an awkward conversation?
Take it offline. Send your friends and family an e-card from VPI at www.petinsurance.com/referral.
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