Tips for Keeping Pets Safe this Travel Season
As Scott Thisdale of Wadsworth, Ill., and his shiba inu, Kei, can attest, vacations can be a dangerous place for our four-legged friends. Fortunately, Kei made a full recovery following his escalator mishap and even earned the September 2011 title of “Most Unusual Claim” by VPI.
With more than 30 million pets on the road, in the air, and away from their usual surroundings each year, it’s vital that pet owners do their homework before embarking on their journey to keep their furry family member safe.
While planning their summer escape, VPI reminds pet owners that preparation is the key to ensuring a fun and safe vacation. Below are six travel tips for pet parents and their furry friends:
1. Make sure your pet is wearing identification at all times in case she becomes separated or lost. Verify that your pet’s ID tag is up-to-date, durable, legible and includes your mobile phone number.
2. Pack a recent photo of your pet along with current vaccination records. If your pet becomes lost, having a current photograph will make the search easier.
3. Pack enough food to safeguard against travel delays.
4. Book a pet-friendly hotel. With more than 25,000 hotels in the U.S. allowing pets, there are plenty of properties from which to choose.
5. Choose early morning or late evening flights to avoid temperature extremes that may affect your pet.
6. Look up details about a veterinary hospital near your destination (phone number, hours, driving distance). If your pet has a medical emergency you’ll be prepared and know where to go.
In addition to the tips listed above, VPI recommends pet owners consider their pet’s personality to determine if she will be content in surroundings outside her comfort zone. A discussion with a veterinarian regarding travel plans may also be helpful.
For more travel tips, from a basic travel checklist to flying with Fido, visit the VPI Pet HealthZone.
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