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Resilience: Kali the Corgi Fights Cancer and a Tornado

Rick and Karen Arduine and their 10-year-old Corgi Kali can best be described as resilient. The family had to overcome harsh circumstances in 2013 and move forward after two life-altering tragedies. The first misfortune has affected Kali the most. After a routine check-up and dental exam, their veterinarian discovered an abscess in Kali’s mouth. Further testing revealed every pet owner’s worst nightmare.  Kali was suffering from a form of cancer known as Lymphosarcoma.

“Kali has an amazing personality and is a huge part of this family,” said Rick. “We were shocked to find out that she had cancer because she hadn’t shown any signs of pain or discomfort. The veterinarian said that without treatment Kali would only have about six weeks left, so we knew we had to act fast. Luckily I’d signed up with VPI through work, so we knew we had support.”

With a prognosis so bleak, the Arduine’s immediately began a chemotherapy protocol for Kali. However, with their spirits high, an uncontrollable catastrophe was looming. During Kali’s first month of treatment, a massive F5 tornado struck their home in Moore, Okla.

“When the tornado struck, I was only a few blocks away,” said Rick. “I was trying to get home to Kali before it happened, but it came so fast. After the tornado cleared, I realized that it had hit Briarwood Elementary School, which was right by my house, so I went straight there to help the kids. My wife works at the hospital and couldn’t get home either because she was helping injured people as they came in. It was chaos.”

With Rick and Karen both helping members of their community, Kali’s well-bring was unknown. After rescue workers had taken control of the situation and Rick had finished helping some of his neighbors find their children, he was able to make his way home.

“I really had no idea what to expect on my way home,” said Rick. “When I pulled up, my house was still standing, but it was in bad shape. Parts of the roof were missing, the doors and windows were all gone and there was a tree going directly through the house. I feared the worst for Kali.”

When Rick entered his shattered house, he searched desperately for Kali. Amazingly, despite being weakened by chemo treatments, Kali had withstood the tornado by hiding under the bed.

“I’m still baffled that she survived,” said Rick. “She hid under the bed while the house was falling apart around her. It was a miracle.”

Since the tornado, the Arguine’s and the city of Moore have battled back, but Kali’s fight is still on-going. After being given 6 weeks to live and surviving one of the most vicious tornados in U.S. history, Kali is still receiving treatment for cancer more than a year after her initial diagnosis.

“She’s incredibly strong and she’s refusing to give up,” said Rick. “The fact that she’s still here after nearly a year and a half is amazing, especially after being told she would only have a couple months left. We’ve been really fortunate to have VPI through this ordeal It’s helped us out with her treatments immensely. We’re just grateful for every day we get to spend with Kali.”

You can help protect pets like Kali during November for National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Visit www.curepetcancer.com to find out how you can raise awareness and $20k for a cure.

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