Jackson: A Miracle Dog’s Tale
A little more than a year ago, then 4-year-old bull terrier, Jackson, suddenly disappeared while on a walk with his owner, Bob Fell of Saint Charles, Mo. Bob and his wife, Ruth, were visiting their daughter, Becky Yoder, son-in-law, Jordan, and their granddaughters on the Yoder’s farm in Novelty, Mo., when the disappearance occurred.
“My husband and Jackson were on a walk through a field on Yoder property when he turned his back to Jackson for a few seconds, and by the time he turned back around, Jackson was gone,” explained Ruth. “We spent the next six hours looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. We assumed he had simply run through the snowy field and gotten lost. We were deeply saddened and confused by Jackson’s disappearance and posted a reward hoping somebody would find him.”
Eleven days later, Jordan was walking with his oldest daughter and their Australian cattle dog, Sydney, when suddenly the pooch became very interested in an abandoned concrete housing unit on the Yoder property that was formerly used as a water well. Jordan assumed the hole was completely covered with concrete and didn’t even think of looking inside after Jackson’s disappearance. As he approached the well, he noticed the top of the unit was camouflaged with grass, leaves, snow and corn stalks to the point it was nearly impossible to see the hole.
When Jordan looked down the deep well, he was astonished to see Jackson sitting at the bottom looking up at him. Jordan immediately called his brother and asked him to bring a ladder. Finally, Jackson was rescued after 11 long days in the well.
“If my granddaughter had not wanted to go on a walk that evening, and Sydney hadn’t been persistent enough to stay at the hole, Jackson would have most likely died,” said Ruth.
Jackson, who prior to this terrifying experience had never spent a night outside, was found severely dehydrated with a few broken teeth, several deep scratches and had lost nearly 20 pounds during his 11-day disappearance.
“My veterinarian said Jackson would have passed away two days later had Sydney not have found him when she did,” said Ruth. “Our veterinary bills were expensive following the ordeal and we were extremely pleased with VPI for reimbursing much of the costs. We still cry to think that we got Jackson back alive. It was a miracle!”
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