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Do Fence Me In! But Watch Out for Giant Splinters!

Sometimes it’s almost as dangerous inside the yard as it is out! Carol Garrett shares her story about Buddy and the backyard fence.

We thought we were doing good to put up a privacy fence for our collie, Buddy. Inside the fence, he chased cars, the school bus and bikes. He barked, but he was staying safe. Then one day after coming inside the house, I spotted him licking himself on one flank so I went over to see about it and sticking out of him was a big piece of wood about six inches long. To the veterinarian for an operation, only to find out the veterinarian had left half of it inside and Buddy had to have the second operation on Memorial Day weekend at the emergency veterinary office. Don’t let your dog run along side of a wooden fence – pieces splinter off. But I was so glad to have VPI insurance for Buddy. It really helped us out a lot.

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