Big Changes For the Hambone Nation Are Coming!
First, I want to thank everyone for reading the Hambone Nation and submitting us your stories. Second, I want to let you know the Hambone Nation is getting an overhaul!
As the newly hired Social Media Specialist, it is my job to expand this blog and begin posting a variety of content for our readers. I am going to keep showcasing the incredible stories submitted to the Hambone Award® site by policyholders and post more stories about the unusual pet insurance claims VPI Pet Insurance receives. Also, I will be adding posts about pet health, breaking pet news, important information for pet owners, VPI policy changes or updates, behind the scenes at VPI, fun and interesting pet stories, and other pet related stories.
I am excited about this opportunity and I look forward to building a place for VPI policyholders—and pet owners in general-to find fun, interesting, and educational pet information. If you have any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns, please e-mail them to me at
pet insurance
Take care of them when it matters most.