Home/Hambone News/A Hambone-Worthy Pup, Indeed!

A Hambone-Worthy Pup, Indeed!

When we created the “Tell Us your Story” section of our website, we had hoped that our wonderful readers would be willing to share their own “Hambone-worthy” stories.  However, I’m not sure any of us expected to see one involving an actual hambone. Unfortunately for Nationwide Insurance employee, Kasandra Granato, that’s exactly the kind of story she has to tell.

“My dog Buddy is very lucky to be here,” Kasandra told us. “He eats just about everything.” According to Kasandra, it was only a few months after she brought her mixed-breed pup home that they made their first trip to the emergency veterinarian after Buddy swallowed a pair of underwear. His unusual appetite didn’t stop there, however, and he went on to eat other items including socks, a bag of nails and a steak off of the kitchen table (OK, so not everything was unusual).

As for the most interesting thing Buddy has swallowed? You guessed it, a hambone. “Every Sunday, I take Buddy over to my parents’ house for a play date with their dog Spud,” said Kasandra. “We had ham that day for lunch and my mom thought it would be a nice treat for them to enjoy the fat and marrow from the bone.”

While Spud had no problem savoring his precarious treat, Buddy took his down with one gigantic gulp. Hopeful that the bone would pass on its own, Kasandra kept an eye on Buddy who seemed to think nothing of his peculiar meal. Early the next morning, however, Buddy was clearly in pain. “I rushed him back to the emergency veterinarian,” recalled Kasandra. “Several hundreds of dollars later, a hambone about the size of a fifty cent piece was removed.”

Kasandra has learned to monitor Buddy’s eating habits more closely and encourages other pet owners to keep a watchful eye over their pups.  While it seems like the words “dog” and “bone” go together like PB&J, the combination is actually extremely dangerous. Be sure to do your research about appropriate treats and toys for your pet to keep veterinary visits to a healthy minimum.

 “I do not have VPI Pet Insurance, but with my dog’s history I have considered it on a number of occasions,” admitted Kasandra. “I haven’t really had a chance to look into it in the way I should, but after reading some of these stories, it is definitely something I will be doing! Pets are like children, you never know what they may be up to and I certainly don’t want anything to happen to them.”

If you’re on the fence about buying pet insurance and want to learn more, check out our new Pet Insurance Comparison tool or get a customized look at the coverage that’s right for you in our online quote center.

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